Saturday 18 June 2011

Summative assessment

The summative went really well. I think that we really got our point across of showing Brainient to be educational as well as highly useful.

Group Logo

The group logo we decided on to represent our idea

review of formative

After completing the formative, not many groups did too well. I think this is because we are reacting to this brief like we did for E&E last year which was a lot more role and tech spec based.

I will try and narrow down what needs to be said into the essentials with more visuals rather than a block of text.

My initial slide for formative

Full Idea

This is our idea as shown on the group blog

We have decided to demonstrate how Brainient can be used for educational purposes.  Our initial idea was to present a video depicting a certain era in history and the user is able to click on certain elements and certain people to learn more.  As the idea developed, we decided to go for something which was more entertaining but that still retained an element of education; and this was to have a concept of two warriors from different time eras fighting each other to see who is deadlier.  This is much like a programme called Deadliest Warrior.

Having a concept that has an element of entertainment will be good to attract users that may not have an interest in history at first.  This entertainment/education combination also opens up the opportunity for business partnerships with more highbrow history organisations (i.e. History Channel, British Museum, etc.)  This could mean that our project will be displaying the potential of Brainient, but will also be an entertaining promotion for educational organisations.

I have been assigned the role of Project Manager on this, so it is down to me to assign the roles of the other team members and then make sure that they understand the project and their role within that project.

Thursday 16 June 2011


In my opinion I am quite upset at the fact that E&E could be a great OPTIONAL course to pick but instead we are made to work like slaves because we are blackmailed into having bad grades in our true subject area if we don't abide by the "rules".

I like E&E but I don't like being forced into something that can interfere with my course subject.

That's just my opinion.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Group Role

I'm the Media Planner for the group so I looked at where we would aim the content towards as well as what sites we would be hosting the majority of our advertisement. This included what type of media which it would be presented in, such as Banner Ads and social networking advertisement.